Plan Elevators Online with New KONE Studio. Try now


Less waiting

KONE construction time elevators and KONE JumpLift travel faster than exterior hoists

Optimized logistics

Lower floors enclosed while core construction is going on higher up

Reduce downtime

KONE Care CTU maintenance solutions make sure the elevators are operating optimallY

Cut energy costs

KONE construction time elevators and KONE JumpLifts are much more energy efficient than exterior hoists

Improve safety

With no exterior hoists, the façade can be enclosed sooner and safety is improved

Services for every stage of the construction process

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KONE site planning services ensure the optimum combination of solutions at each stage.



With our unique scaffoldless, in-shaft installation method, installation of KONE CTU elevators is faster, safer, and more efficient. And the elevators are ready for use early in the project.



With all vertical transportation taking place inside the building, exterior hoists can be removed and lower floors can be enclosed and finished sooner.

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We ensure that your equipment will be in perfect condition at handover. KONE Care CTU maintenance technicians perform the final inspection, and then the permanent KONE Care maintenance team takes over.

Tools and downloads

KONE Construction Time use solutions

Our solutions for construction time use help get workers and materials to the right place at the right time, saving hundreds of valuable hours and speeding up construction schedules.

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